- O'Donnell's surprise victory filled 30% of newshole last week
- Why losing the House would be good for Obama
- Palinisms: Did she really say that?
- The Soft Bigotry of Just Not Caring
September 21, 2010 – If you’ve been reading/watching news in the past week, you are not surprised by this assessment. Now that the media is starting to think better of its excesses, perhaps we can move on to something else, eh?
September 21, 2010 – I am convinced that there are actually ony five or ten political stories, and that choosing which one to run is sorta like Mad Libs.
“Why ___Losing__ the ___House__ would be ___good__ for __Obama__.” And so on and so on.
September 21, 2010 – I usually justscroll by this series without reading. but it occurs to me that it should be renamed to Sh*t Sarah Palin Says.
September 20, 2010