99 baggies uv nip February 28, 2011 – Um, I think this was taken at my house.
Month: February 2011
99 baggies uv nip February 28, 2011 – Um, I think this was taken at my house.
Right-wing rage and Democratic presidents February 25, 2011
Are the Muppets turning into hipsters, or were they just early adopters? February 25, 2011 San Francisco Snow Watch Declared As Cold Storm Moves In February 25, 2011 – Neat! Iz medicinal…. February 25, 2011 Mental Health Cuts Would Strain Local Jails February 25, 2011
MemeCats: Teh Downfallz ob Werkin fer Salary February 24, 2011 Bill: Hire an Illegal Alien, Go to Jail — Unless It’s Your Maid February 24, 2011 Delta Fined $2 Million for Violating Rules Protecting Air Travelers with Disabilities February 17, 2011 Fonda, Kreuz’s and Lamberts make Daily Meal’s Top 101 February 23, 2011
TSA Agents Refused Service At Seattle-Tacoma Area Cafe February 23, 2011 – I don’t care what you think of the policies TSA employees enforce at airports, this is just dumb. Muammar Qaddafi celebrity lookalikes: Does Libya’s dictator look like Mick Jagger, Mickey Rourke, or Michael Jackson? February 23, 2011 Almonte: During Black History Month, remember the contribution of federal marshals February 23, 2011 Your best citrus cocktails – Kitchen Challenge – Salon.com February 23, 2011…
Depreshun hurtz. February 22, 2011 Silver adjusts to New York Times’ standards February 22, 2011 Guns for Groceries, Part II February 21, 2011 – I would much prefer that the cops allowed you to bring your AR-15 into the HEB, drop it on the conveyor, and trade it for Pampers and beer. Cut out the middle-man! Varsity Theatre February 21, 2011 – Oh, I used to LIVE at the Varsity Theatre. You know you’re old…
i kissed a gurl February 21, 2011
I hate my iPad: Can my tablet-loving Slate colleagues convince me I didn't just waste $600? February 18, 2011 – The headline has crystalized for me why I read less of the tech press than I used to: you would never see such a headline on a gadget blog unless conventional wisdom had already determined that a piece of technology was a failure in the marketplace. The tech press assume that technology is something to…
'Unified Theater' Group Disregards Divisive Special Ed Classification February 17, 2011 – Rock the hell on! Confessions of an Apple Store Employee – Apple Store Tips – Popular Mechanics February 17, 2011 Government By The Rich February 17, 2011 – I think this is certainly true: I would extend it further. Even in local districts, contributors to campaigns have the most physical access to lawmakers. Who contributes more, car dealers and doctors, or secretaries, truck…