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Month: March 2011

Today’s Shared Items – March 11, 2011

Posted in General Store

New Hampshire Republican Won't Apologize For Saying 'Defective' People Should Die In Siberia | TPMDC March 11, 2011 – I try really hard to ignore stories that go “_____ Republican _____ said something offensive.” I do. But as an actual defective person, I would like to punch this crazy old guy in the nuts. New Hampshire Republican Won't Apologize For Saying 'Defective' People Should Die In Siberia | TPMDC March 11, 2011 – I try…

Today’s Shared Items – March 9, 2011

Posted in General Store

More SXSW Samplers March 9, 2011 Why do conservatives hate trains so much? March 8, 2011 – I’ve always loved trains. I didn’t realize for a long time that it had anything to do with my politics. I getz mai larj March 8, 2011 Tracking the Cost of Disk Storage (Feeling Old?) March 8, 2011 Awkward Family Pet Photos (VIDEO) March 8, 2011 – they should start with those stupid, posed-looking photos of Mark Zuckerburg…

More SXSW Samplers

Posted in General Store

I figured there would be more tasty SXSW music snacks, and I was right. I’ve updated the original list, and added the delta links here. Delta is the word I learned from my programmer husband. It indicates the diference between what has gone before and what is new. Unofficial SXSW Showcase torrent, part 2 iTunes Sampler (Just so you know, I’ve saved you a whole lot of clicks. This link takes you directly to the…

Today’s Shared Items – March 8, 2011

Posted in General Store

Netflix dips on Facebook movie-rental news March 8, 2011 – I have compromised my privacy by participating in Facebook, and made my peace with that by being smart about my settings and all. But I’ve drawn a personal line at buying ANYTHING via that site. The Electric Mayhem March 7, 2011 The 6th Floor: Automatic for the CD Bin March 7, 2011 – for Tim. Austin ranked 34th largest city nationwide March 7, 2011 –…

Today’s Shared Items – March 4, 2011

Posted in General Store

The problem with 1980s nostalgia movies March 4, 2011 – Yes, a lot of it sucked. The problem with 1980s nostalgia movies March 4, 2011 – Yes, a lot of it sucked. I figgered ur taxes. March 3, 2011 To many, bloggers vs. journalists is almost the definition of a played-out theme March 4, 2011 Ebony and Ivory March 3, 2011 Lawrence Lessig: On the Significance of the Roemer Announcement March 3, 2011 – I…