- King doesn't rule out White House bid (Molly K. Hooper/Ballot Box)
- Resellers have plenty of ACL tickets
- The Confederacy comes to Kentucky
- Follow on Twitter: Punishment phase in Escobar trial continues
- Ben Stein: IMF head is really only guilty of being rich
May 18, 2011 – Just for the record, I’m not ruling out a White House bid. WHERE IS MY FREE PUVLICTY?
May 18, 2011 – Resellers. That’s such an ADORABLE name for scalpers.
May 18, 2011 – The one consolation I have in this right-leaning time we live in, is that Texas has never been obsessed with the Confederacy in the way southern states seem to be. We have confederate monuments and all, but I’ve never heard a Texan mention “the war of Northern aggression.” So that’s a good thing. Don’t tell anybody.
May 18, 2011 – This is a thing now: live twittering of court cases. I don’t object to it being done, but I have no desire to read it. It’s kinda weird.
May 18, 2011 – Shouldn’t the right be on the other side of this? You have a blatantly FRENCH guy with THREE NAMES comin over here and (alegedly) attackin on of OUR WOMEN! Talking point FAIL!