Become a Mobile Food Sleuth with Food Truck Follower June 16, 2011 – I am a fan of the food trailers. But I shared this primarily because it’s the only instance I can recall of an Android-FIRST app. I suddenly feel disadvantaged and/or oppressed. /whine Become a Mobile Food Sleuth with Food Truck Follower June 16, 2011 – I am a fan of the food trailers. But I shared this primarily because it’s the only…
Month: June 2011
Lessons We’re Learning Riding Mass Transit June 10, 2011 Why do liberals hate freedom so much? June 15, 2011 BBC develops iPhone app for its reporters June 15, 2011 – Cool.
Drinks: MIX Goes Local To Celebrate Texas Cocktails Friday June 14, 2011 Michele Bachmann Announces Her Presidential Campaign During CNN Debate June 13, 2011 – Doesn’t this provide a crystal clear example of how silly our reporting on the launch of presidential campaigns has become? She was PARTICIPATING IN the DEBATE when she announced she was RUNNING. The candidates make up milestones to get covered, and the media just has to stamp the passports
Whole Foods Spoofed in Rap Video June 13, 2011
Trader Tiki, Painkiller NY Change Names June 10, 2011 mah inside voice! June 10, 2011 Austin’s fireworks display canceled because of drought June 10, 2011 – 🙁
South Lamar shopping center could become mixed use project | Statesman Business Blog June 10, 2011 – The store my dad opened (after the corporate raider killed his previous employer) was in Lamar Plaza. I’m feeling kind of wistful about the redevelopment.
Mortgage rates move lower June 9, 2011 – Life lesson: do not read articles like this just AFTER you’ve refi’d your house. Same goes for articles about stocks you used to own. Mortgage rates move lower June 9, 2011 – Life lesson: do not read articles like this just AFTER you’ve refi’d your house. Same goes for articles about stocks you used to own. Guest Column: Tea Party Republicanism + Incumbent Legislators = Zero Budget… : Anderson Cooper says Alamo's Tim League deserves Nobel Peace Prize June 8, 2011 – Aw, our little story done gone viral! And I brought it to you first. Magazine Preview: You Blow My Mind. Hey, Mickey! June 8, 2011 – The pothead stuff is boring, but I always enjoy reading observant, ironic accounts of Disney travelogues. It makes me feel less alone in my cynicism. I narrowly avoided going to one of the…
Redistricting: A Better Way? Many Think So June 7, 2011 Marc Maron explains his podcasting infamy June 7, 2011 – I don’t follow stand-up comedy much, but if I were still writing about podcasting (sigh) I would be doing features about how the medium has become a boon for stand-up comics and radio people. And I would talk about hos this development has gotten a lot of new people to listen to podcasts who never…
Top five moments from the MTV Movie Awards June 6, 2011 – Why does MTV have movie awards?