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Roku Audio Guide Demo Cast

Posted in Access and Disability, New Media and Tech, and Pods and Presos

Roku added a spoken interface to its video streaming devices. This is good news for blind and print-disabled folks who like the idea of an inexpensive, easy-to-use, full-featured streamer. In this audio demo, I roll through the Audio Guide interface, and show you where it shines, and where it fails. If you have feedback or questions after listening, please hit me up on Twitter at @shelly.

Direct Download Link


  1. Ethellee #Lee
    Ethellee #Lee

    Please send info on what’s available and prices.

    I’m legally blind and my husband is total. Interested for Tim.

    Thank you,

    Ethellee Hughs

    December 8, 2016
    • Shelly Brisbin
      Shelly Brisbin

      If you’re talking about the Roku devices, I don’t sell them. YOu can learn about them at, and they’re available at lots of retailers.

      December 8, 2016
  2. Gerardo Corripio
    Gerardo Corripio

    Wow very good review on Rocu! I want one someday! My sister has one and wow watching all those US. channels from here in Mexico? Wow!

    December 15, 2016
  3. I hope this is for Shelly! Since I am not on Twitter, I was
    looking to e-mail questions about Roku. The Roku site is not
    friendly at all in Linux. I would love to see a list of channels,
    `especially News. Also, Shelly, since I have an Apple TV 3-and-4,
    is the Roku remote buttons, or must you work a touch-screen type?
    And yes, I sure hope they improve that voice. And I love the
    bright highs on your TV. Thanks so much in advance from Sherman

    December 16, 2016
    • Shelly Brisbin
      Shelly Brisbin

      Perhaps a different browser in Linux? The Roku has raised buttons. Very intuitive.

      December 16, 2016

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