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I Did Not Buy a MacBook Pro

Posted in New Media and Tech, and Random Personal Nonsense

Update: Now with a dramatic reading, as heard on NosillaCast #606, at about the 30 minute mark. Thanks to Allison for the opportunity to relive high school poetry interp competition. 

Lots and lots of people have asked if I bought a new MacBook Pro; the one with the dongles and the touch bar. And then, I couldn’t sleep. So I wrote a poem.

I Did Not Buy a MacBook Pro

When I’m on a podcast show,
To talk the tech with friends I know,
I cannot share their Apple glow,
I did not buy a MacBook Pro.

At coffee shops I seem low rent,
At least my money’s not all spent,
I can afford a latte though,
I did not buy a MacBook Pro.

No touch bar tops my keyboard tray,
Below the Space my wrists must stay,
Escape is pretty easy, though,
I did not buy a MacBook Pro.

Adapters, dongles, I know not,
Just Ethernet and SD slot,
Old USB is not so slow,
I did not buy a MacBook Pro.

It makes me seem a low-tech lass,
And not so upper-middle-class,
To type on something three years old,
I did not buy a MacBook Pro.

But my curiosity does grow,
So I’ll brave the Texas ice and snow,
And to the Apple Store I’ll go,
To gaze upon the MacBook Pro.


  1. Justin Mann
    Justin Mann

    It is definitely well worth the investment. Yes you will have to learn some new things where voiceover is concerned with the touch bar, but it’s fast, deals with just about anything you can throw at it… and just runs smooth

    December 12, 2016
  2. Shelly Brisbin
    Shelly Brisbin

    In case it’s no clear, this is me, making the jokes, folks. If you’ve chosen a computer you like, please to enjoy.

    December 12, 2016

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