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iOS Access for All, iOS 12 Edition is on its Way

Posted in Access and Disability, Announcements, and General Store

I just announced that the iOS 12 edition of my book will be available later this fall, and that you can get it free if you buy a copy of the iOS 11 edition between now and the release date for the new book. That’s my standard release strategy, and one of the things I do on release day each year is to send out new books to all the folks who buy after the update announcement. They get their books first, even before I plug the release on social, or on my Web site.

I’m raising the price of the book this year. Based on the amount of new material, I should probably have done that last year. Each edition of these books is longer than the last, and I always think through how to reorganize and prioritize content to make it more useful. That’s happening this year, with a new chapter on system-level features in iOS. Those have previously been sprinkled within the book, and I’ve done a lot of coverage of device management in the VoiceOver chapter, which readers might not know if they aren’t VO users. So I’m moving that material into its own shiny new chapter, and adding more content in the bargain.

All in all, I think the price change is fair, and reflects the amount of work required to ensure the book earns the “comprehensive” description I include in the subtitle. Time will tell, and I’m bracing for the reactions of those who will reflexively object to my recouping the time I’ve put into the project in the past five years.

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