- Google Wave Now Open to All
- Google Wave Now Open to All
- Are eponymous buildings egotistical or practical?
- The New York Times’s Devastating Goldman Piece
- Worst Beer in America – Bad Beer List – Esquire
- David Wild: "Tea for the Tillerman": Hot Playlist for a Tea Party Victory Party
- What Tuesday Really Meant
- How Miss USA will push the secret Muslim agenda
- don’t look at me…
May 19, 2010 – Hurray. Now everyone can not use it.
May 19, 2010 – Hurray. Now everyone can not use it.
May 19, 2010 – If I should ever be so fortunate as to have a few extra $mil to lay on my alma mater, a homeless shelter, or the neighborhood middle school, I shall insist that anything built by virtue of my generosity shall be called The Eponymous Building.
May 19, 2010
May 19, 2010
May 19, 2010 – Good start. But the secret to a themed playlist is to go beyond searching the word “Tea” in iTunes. Let’s ad “Strange Brew” by Cream, “Bowling Green” by Neko Case, “Boiling Water”, by Trish Murphy, and “Blue Moon of Kentucky”, by Patsy Cline.
May 19, 2010 – Nice post. If you want some understanding of yesterday’s primaries, but would just as soon not read 87 pontificating pundits (not to mention the TV machine) read this and be done with it.
May 18, 2010 – For two days I’ve been muttering under my breath. “I will NOT give a crap Miss USA. I will NOT give a crap about Miss USA.”
May 18, 2010