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Category: Announcements

November is “Podcast Every Single Day” Month

Posted in Announcements, and Pods and Presos

Time for another podcast appearance update. I’ve been doing a lot of recording. Maccesibility Roundtable covers iWork, Apple earnings, Apple TV, and new Apple hardware and software, in recent episodes. This week, I joined the Clockwise crew for a bit of a chat about the iPad Pro, Mac App Store glitches, and the demise of RDio. Last but not least, I have been doing a little project in celebration of NaPodPoMo. Or as I like to call…

Hey, I’m Writing for AccessWorld

Posted in Access and Disability, Announcements, and New Media and Tech

I’m very excited to let you know that I’ve signed on as a contributor to the American Foundation for the Blind’s highly-regarded technology magazine, AccessWorld. My beats include tech products for low-vision users, and mobile stuff for both Android and iOS. My first piece is a review of the Revolution 22’, a hybrid consisting of a video magnifier and an Android tablet. It’s so much fun to be doing product reviews again!

Back in the Saddle: Check Out My New Podcast

Posted in Access and Disability, Announcements, New Media and Tech, and Pods and Presos

Lately, I’ve been rediscovering my love of podcasting. For those of you who don’t know, and that includes a surprising number of friends and colleagues, I produced my first podcast in 2004, and continued to make shows on the regular for the better part of the next nine years. I have guested on many podcasts, and was active in the first wave podcasting community; the enthusiasts and semi-pros who congregated at the first few New…

Podcast Catchup, WordPress Crackup

Posted in Announcements, and Pods and Presos

Ten days ago, I posted a podcast. Almost immediately, I broke the Shelly’s Podcast Web site. Well, I broke it because I was missing some essential WordPress knowledge. I spent a lot of last week acquiring the knowhow I needed to fix the site, and being grateful that DreamHost, a hosting service I understand some people have problems with, was so willing to walk me through making nitty gritty fixes to MySQL tables. It’s worthy…

You’re the Last to Know

Posted in Access and Disability, Announcements, and General Store

A bit less than a month ago, I released an updated version of my book, iOS Access for All. The new edition covers iOS 8. I would just love for you to buy, read, and enjoy a copy of the book. I would also love to be able to tell you why my own blog, the one that features an image of the book’s cover there on the sidebar, is the last to get the…

My book, iOS Access for All, is available now!

Posted in Access and Disability, Announcements, and General Store

I’m thrilled to announce the availability of my book, iOS Access for All: Your Comprehensive Guide to Accessibility on iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. The book guides readers through all accessibility features available on Apple’s mobile devices. Whether you’re just getting started with iOS, or want to learn more about apps and accessibility tools you already use, iOS Access for All has all the bases covered. With information of interest to users who are blind,…

CSUN, and a NosillaGast Guest Shot

Posted in Access and Disability, Announcements, General Store, and Pods and Presos

I’m just back from the CSUN International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference in San Diego. That moniker is a mouthful. Just think of it as the largest annual gathering of accessibility geeks and experts, and you’ll have some idea what it’s all about. Spent three days promoting the book, larding more about accessible tech, meeting folks I’ve been following on Twitter, and handling a products that either incorporate support for accessibility, or are designed…

Books, iOS 7, and Podcasting

Posted in Announcements, General Store, and Pods and Presos

I have been busy working on my book, iOS Access for All: Your Comprehensive Guide to Accessibility for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Apple has decided to make my life interesting by releasing a new version of iOS. You may have heard about this. I have spent this week committing my thoughts about the new release into words, both written and spoken. You can read my reaction to the new OS, and its implications for…