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Category: Random Personal Nonsense

Dad Update

Posted in Random Personal Nonsense

My online friends have been a real help to me in the past few days. Thank you all. A hospital room is a decidedly offline place; not very connected at all to the usual kinds of communication and trappings of a plugged-in life. So when I come back to my computer, it’s both comforting to find you here, and jarring to the part of me that has just left the institutional environment. Dad did indeed…

My Dad is in the Hospital

Posted in Random Personal Nonsense

Good news first. My dad is alert, awake, and cranky about being stuck in a hospital bed. This post is mostly about getting the basic info out to all the wonderful people who have been supporting me and my family with prayers, virtual hugs, and best wishes. Thank you all. It means a lot. I’ll post more later about how we’re all feeling. My coping mechanism is to be very focused and to try to…

Six Random Things…

Posted in Random Personal Nonsense

I’ve been tagged. The delightful folks over at For Whatever Reason insist that I share Six Random Things About Me. I’ve done this before, but what the hay? Also, don’t it seem as though the very act of podcasting consists mostly of random things about oneself? The Things: When in my own home, I am usually barefoot. At age 10, I accidentally stabbed myself with a Girl Scout pocket knife. I have the memories and…

Moving On

Posted in New Media and Tech, Podcasting, and Random Personal Nonsense

I have decided to leave my position as editor-in-chief of Blogger & Podcaster Magazine, effective April 11. I joined Blogger & Podcaster in January 2007 when we were preparing to launch the industry’s first digital/podcast/print hybrid publication. I was excited to be creating a magazine that would chronicle the podcasting world I knew so well after two+ years (more than three, now) publishing my own shows, along with the turbulent, more established blogosphere. Podcasting was…