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Shelly's Web of Wonder Posts

Second Place Accessibility Writer

Posted in Access and Disability, New Media and Tech, and Podcasting

On the most recent episode of The Parallel, a few names in the Apple community came up in passing. So last night, I decided to check out the latest episode of The Talk Show. That’s a fairly high-profile podcast by a fairly high-profile Apple writer guy named John Gruber. He and his guest, Serenity Caldwell, were running down some of the news from last week’s Apple Worldwide Developer’s Conference. They mentioned the addition of Live…

See What’s in My Non-#WWDC Bag

Posted in Access and Disability, New Media and Tech, Podcasting, and Random Personal Nonsense

I won’t be at Apple’s Worldwide Developer’s Conference, or WWDC, this week like all the cool Mac kids. I make part of my living doing something other than reporting about Apple, so this is my lot. I’m not complaining, but it’s times like this when I am forcibly reminded how different my day, and often my relationship with technology, is from those developers, writers and podcasters whose bag packing lists I see online. Yes, I…

Listen: Apple Brings Everyone Can Code To Some Kids In Austin

Posted in Access and Disability, Announcements, and New Media and Tech

I had the pleasure of watching as 17 kids who attend Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired learn a bit about Swift Playgrounds, the environment Apple created to teach people how to code in the Swift language. Even better, I made a radio story about it for Texas Standard. I’m really proud of it. I’m less proud that I forgot I had a blog, so I didn’t get around to telling you about…

Too Late for Tears: No One Comes Between Jane And The 60,000 Things She Loves

Posted in Classic Film

Too Late For Tears is a noir classic, and one of those films I like to put on for friends who think classic movies are all milquetoast and twin beds. There’s a lot to say about cinematography, film restoration, and even how independent films were pieced together in the late 1940s. But as much as I love those topics, we’re not here for that. We’re here for the plot, and to glory in the ways…

“The Possum Story”

Posted in Random Personal Nonsense

In 2006, a weird thing happened at our house. I included the story on my former eponymous podcast, in the middle of an episode called Mystery Sinus Theater. The photo also made the local paper as part of one of those sights and sounds of Christmas photo thingies. Front page, baby! I subsequently made a Facebook post that I share each Christmas Eve. Because I’m not as good at social media as I think I am,…

I Did Not Buy a MacBook Pro

Posted in New Media and Tech, and Random Personal Nonsense

Update: Now with a dramatic reading, as heard on NosillaCast #606, at about the 30 minute mark. Thanks to Allison for the opportunity to relive high school poetry interp competition.  Lots and lots of people have asked if I bought a new MacBook Pro; the one with the dongles and the touch bar. And then, I couldn’t sleep. So I wrote a poem. I Did Not Buy a MacBook Pro When I’m on a podcast…

Roku Audio Guide Demo Cast

Posted in Access and Disability, New Media and Tech, and Pods and Presos

Roku added a spoken interface to its video streaming devices. This is good news for blind and print-disabled folks who like the idea of an inexpensive, easy-to-use, full-featured streamer. In this audio demo, I roll through the Audio Guide interface, and show you where it shines, and where it fails. If you have feedback or questions after listening, please hit me up on Twitter at @shelly. Direct Download Link